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You feel lost in your own life.

In your world, nothing feels like it’s supposed to be. The truth is that it’s been that way for a while.

I’m going to offer a few questions and answers. As you read my answers, I want you to put forth your own responses…as if we’re chatting.

What does feeling lost in your life look like?

Here’s what it looks like for me:

  • The people you spend most of your day with don’t get you. You don’t get them either.
  • You’re part of a black and white moving picture show and it’s the wrong movie altogether, as if you’re going through the motions in somebody else’s story.
  • You feel like something is off. It’s enough to make your stomach queasy.

Is feeling lost in your life normal?


Here’s the next thing you should know:

The something that feels out of place is not you. It’s your life, or at least part of it.

Some people never get past the lost feeling.

At best, you mistake it for despair or depression, and start medicating with pills or alcohol to numb yourself. At worst, the lost in your life feeling stays buried and you experience mild to extreme discomfort all your life and never know what is or how to get rid of it.

Here’s one possible answer. Only you will know if it’s the right one for you.

That lost feeling is your gut telling you to take action and change your life.

I know. It’s a lot to digest.

Your body, mind, and soul are telling you…

This is not the life you should be living! 

Heal With a Spirit Guide Session with Diana

What do I do when I feel lost?

  • I drill down to the why. For me, the physical feeling of being lost feels as if I’m trapped in a tight tunnel. My ears get warm and buzz with a ringing sound. These are big stress indicators for me. It’s important to know when you are stressed so that you can stop and assess why.
  • I use awareness as a tool. I’m hyper aware of my feelings and emotions, so if things begin to feel off for more than a few days, I start paying attention and become an aware observer of my own reality. Keep in mind, what amounts to days for me, used to be months or even years. Now, once I realize I’m feeling lost, the wheels of change begin turning.  
  • I buy a journal and start writing. The truth is that the notebook lies on my desk for a while. If it’s still there a week later, I move it to the kitchen. I’m in that room a lot. Within a couple of weeks, I write down what feels off and why.
  • I take action. I write down what I need to change. That in itself is a big action item.

Once you’ve admitted to feeling lost, it becomes easier to figure out what comes next.

The next question to ask yourself is:

What life you do want to be living?

Be honest with your answer. Add it to your “NEW LIFE NOTEBOOK”.

When you have even the smallest triumph, let me know. I’d love to hear your story.

I feel a lot of love for those of you out there in the world working toward a personal transformation.

It fills me with the courage and joy to continue changing my own life along the way.

Use your intuition and your gut to make decisions. You have a built in compass to guide you in your life.


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Hi. I’m Diana Keith. I’m a medium, business coach, and freelance writer.

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