What is Quantum Jumping? Tap Into Another Version of You

Quantum Jumping

Did you know that there are other versions of you?

Different parts of you and your soul are out there in other dimensions living, growing, and learning.

Physics tells us that there are at least 10 dimensions of our universe that co-exist all at once. Even better, prepare to have your mind blown once you apply this knowledge to your life.

According to Superstring Theory, the fifth and sixth dimensions are where the notion of possible worlds arises. In the ninth dimension, we can compare all the possible universe histories, starting with all the different possible laws of physics and initial conditions. In the tenth and final dimension, we arrive at the point in which everything possible and imaginable is covered.” Credit -Matt Williams.

There’s also a DVD, called The Elegant Universe, that explains how string theory works. You can get the book, DVD, or watch it on PBS.

What is Quantum Jumping?

Quantum jumping lets you share feelings, knowledge, and abilities with your parallel soul selves, also known as higher selves,

Three Tips on How To Quantum Jump

1: You combine intention + awareness of your other dimensional selves.

2: Tap into your other selves through meditation or by focusing on what you want to know or share.

3: Write a letter to your other selves and ask questions.

How Can You Best Use Quantum Awareness of Your Other Selves?

For every choice, every decision, and every path you do or don’t take, another version of you is out there making a different choice.

You wanted that cute chocolate Doodle, but you’re allergic so you got a Shihtzu instead.

Guess what? One of your other selves got the Doodle.

My intuitive interpretation is that our universe is designed this way so that we can do our “SOUL WORK” more efficiently.

Each of version of you has a soul fragment and works on different stuff. And, they also all have past lives. Your soul is multi-dimensional.

I call these sister or brother souls…parallel souls. Once I felt my sister soul die while I was driving over a bridge with my family. In her world, the bridge collapsed.

I can feel my other soul sisters deeply because I’m an empath is this life and because I’m aware of them. I tap into them for help. Not their physical selves, but their higher selves.

The most amazing thing for you is that you’ll never miss out and your soul will always have what it needs.

The Quantum World is Amazing

Here are some possibilities:

  • The love that got away in this life is part of your life in another dimension.
  • You’re a warrior in another dimension kicking butt and saving people.
  • You have a big family in your other life.
  • You can sit in your cottage all day and read in your other world.
  • Your life has already ended in another dimension but you’ll live till 93 in this one.

The possibilities are endless. I’ve been a physics nerd and a medium for a long time and I’ve learned how to apply this knowledge to my life in two main ways:

1: It’s helped me to feel like I’m never missing out and I’m always making the right choice for my soul in this dimension.

2: If I can’t decide between two options…let’s say career paths, then I know that one of my other selves chose the option I left on the table. Somewhere out there in the universe, I’m also a film director, clinical psychologist, or an adventure tour guide.

As an example, here’s how those “not taken” careers look in this life for me. Even though my main career is as an intutive spiritual teacher and healer, I’m part of a traveling family in this life, so I’m a tour guide for only my family. Then, I became an industrial-organizational psychologist instead of going the clinical route because I “feel” other people’s emotions. And instead of being a film director, I write horror or creepy stories that someone else can transform into films. But I’m sure that my soul is getting a deeper experience with all the choices I chose not to take. And yours is too.

So the next time, you’re torn on what to choose, go with your gut and what feels good.

You’re not missing out.

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