What Is A Psychic Attack? How To Handle Negative Energy

Dream Catcher

The first 24 hours in a psychic attack are the most important because you want to do some reflection on what just happened and why. This blog article is about how to know when you’re experiencing a psychic attack and how to handle it.

What’s a Psychic Attack?

A psychic attack is a manifestation of negative energy that interacts with your energy field. It can be subtle and build slowly or it can come at you hard and fast.

The hallmark of a psychic attack is negative energy and you don’t want to be on the receiving end of it.

Spiritual Psychic Attack

It can come at you spiritually from a spirit or an astral being.

An astral being is simply someone from another dimension. You won’t see them in our three-dimensional world unless you’re clairvoyant and if that’s the case, you’ll see them in your mind’s eye.

When you’re impacted negatively by a being from another dimension, it may not be intentional. You may be within their energy field. Try moving your bed if you get a lot of nightmares about being attacked.

Intentional inter-dimensional attacks are covered in the examples section of this article. I have experience with this for sure.

Read more on astral traveling here.

Human Psychic Attack

If your attacker is human, it’s not always intentional. The mind is a powerful tool of creation and if someone is holding you in their thoughts, it can be lovely or not so much.

If you are on the receiving end of negative energy from another person, chances are that you know them.

Maybe they are projecting their emotions onto you because they are jealous of you or maybe they feel you’re intruding on their territory in some manner, professionally or personally.

If you don’t know that you’ve been attacked, you can easily pass on their negativity unintentionally to other people you know in the form of your anger or irritation.

What Does a Psychic Attack Feel Like?

It feels differently to everyone depending on the circumstances. I’ve had psychic attacks where I’ve felt lifted out of my seat.

Nine indicators of a psychic attack:

1: You feel irritable, angry, or drained for no reason.

2: You consistently become ill after spending time with the same person.

3: You get nightmares about being physically attacked.

4: You feel heavy pressure in your chest area.

5: You feel like you want to argue and that’s contrary to your personality.

6: You feel hopeless and adrift, either suddenly or for specific periods of time.

7: You feel a buzz in your ears, and then everything goes silent or the sound around you is greatly diminished, as if you’re watching a movie of yourself while living it at the same time.

8: You feel afraid or anxious in certain situations that never bothered you before this.

9: You have extreme negative thoughts out of the blue.

What’s the Difference Between Past Trauma and a Psychic Attack?

A lot of these psychic attack indicators can occur because of past trauma.

The important thing is that when these things or emotions hit you, ask yourself the following:

  • Is it related to a past experience or trauma?
  • Is it out of character for you?
  • Do you have a new person or situation in your life that aligns with the timing?

Pay close attention to what comes to mind and then you can make a plan to handle it.

Psychic Attacks Can Feel Scary

Here Are A Few Examples of Psychic Attacks From My Own Life

Intentional Long Distance Psychic Attack: I experienced an intentional psychic attack a few months ago, via a living person, and I can tell you that it felt sickening and life altering. I eliminated them from my life after realizing that this was a pattern each time I interacted with them.  

Face To Face Interaction Psychic Attack: Two years ago, I had a psychic attack during a difference of opinion conversation that left my entire physical self with a horrifying buzzing sensation for two weeks. My energy field was shaken to its core. This one led to me completely changing my life.

Nightmare Psychic Attack: During the summer of 2015, my family and I rented an apartment in Florence for a few days. It looked so pretty from the pictures on the website, and it looked even cuter with both a courtyard and city view when I saw it in person. It had a chess set and a big Italian kitchen. I was in heaven.

I didn’t feel anything wonky with the energy of the place when I booked it or when I arrived on the property, but during my sleep cycle I was tortured.

I woke up in the middle of the night and remembered everything down to the last detail. The beings weren’t human, and I’d been ill so my unusual low energetic frequency and the temporary exhaustion that comes with traveling left me vulnerable.

When I woke up from my attack, I hyperventilated for twenty minutes and then I called on my mom’s spirit to protect me for the rest of the night. The morning after, I rested and when I slept the next two nights, I had no problems.

I don’t think the place was haunted, but I do think some negative astral energies were bored and latched on to my vulnerabilities that night. Yuck.  

How To Handle a Psychic Attack

Stop: Take a moment and breathe into what is happening.

Tune in: Awareness is everything. It will bounce you out of it a lot quicker.

Reflect: Once the psychic attack is over, reflect on what occurred and why. Ask your higher self why so that you can put things in perspective if the attack requires you to put a boundary in place or to make a decision.

Respond: After enough time has passed and you’ve figured out what happened and why, decide on a response to align with the result you want.

Keep Your Energy Field High Vibe

Learn to be aware of your energy field. An ongoing high level of negativity in your life is not normal and once you figure out what’s really happening, you can take control and get your life back.

Protect Yourself from A Psychic Attack

Imagine a white bubble of light protection around yourself and your house while you sleep or during a volatile situation.

You can also ask your spirit guides and angels for protection.

Whether you know it or not, you have the ultimate control of your energy field and who comes into contact with it.

Get a Spirit Guide Reading with Diana: Ask Questions… Get Answers.

Learning how to navigate negative energy and raising your vibe is the best place to start.

Even though you can’t see it, your energy field is there, just as your physical self is.

When someone or something you can see invades your physical space, you know it immediately and you also know in an instant how to deal with it. Your energy field is no different. Practice raising your energetic vibration and protecting it.

When you have control over who you let into your energy field, the feeling of having control in your life is awesome.

If you need help, see my links below to join my community, The Intuitive Life, or book a program or session.  

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Hi. I’m Diana Keith. I’m a medium, business coach, and freelance writer.

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