What is a Lightworker?

You Want To Know If You’re a Lightworker

The first thing to know is that a lightworker lives a soul aligned life or is usually heading in that direction.

This means you live joyfully and in a way that lets you be true to yourself, compared to being out of soul alignment, when nothing feels quite right.

A lightworker is usually drawn to being in service of others through their work or how they live, often both.

Some lightworkers who work in professions such as coaches, nurses, chiropractors, naturopaths, masseuses, healers, mediums, and psychologists do so because they feel pulled by an invisible force to help others.

What’s Soul Alignment?

Soul alignment is living in the truth of who you are.

For instance, if you have an pressing urge to change careers, quit your job, break up with a friend, or move away from the town where you grew up because it doesn’t feel right, you may not feel like yourself until you do.

On the flip side, making a change to what feels good to you brings a feeling of belonging in a way that gives you a source of unlimited strength and courage to be who you are. What a gift to give yourself.

Let’s say, for instance, that you’ve got enough talent to be a five-star chef, but you’ve reserved your delicious meals for only friends and family. Then, that’s a soul aligned decision. It’s what feels good to you, and you couldn’t be happier about it. This is a glimpse of what a soul aligned life looks and feels like.

Get THE INTUITIVE-PSYCHIC SKILLS CHECKLIST to find out what intuitive skills you have.

As a lightworker, you’re meant to shine your light whenever and however you like. And, if you want to keep the light for yourself, then that’s awesome.

Can You Be a Lightworker If You’re Not in a Healing Profession?

Of course.

You’ll find light workers everywhere.

Here are a few you may come across during your day:

  • Your waitress at the local café who’s always smiling and asking how your day is going.
  • The man you pass on the street who tips his hat.
  • The dog walker you see walking three dogs every morning while simultaneously looking up at the birds because she doesn’t want to miss a moment of beauty.

Lightworkers live joyful lives and often go above and beyond to bring a special moment to those they meet.

Lightworkers Need To Set Boundaries w/ Their Energy

If you’re not setting limits with your energy, you risk burnout and illness.


Because the helping professions require close interaction with other people’s energy and often lightworkers are also empaths, which means they’re sensitive to energy.

Helping type careers can wear you down and become draining.

If you’re a lightworker and empath / Highly Sensitive Person (HSP), it’s easy to get drained because you physically absorb the energy of others.

In this case, it’s critical to set boundaries as much as possible so you can help others minus the burnout.

The right boundaries combined with your intuitive skills can also help you determine when it’s time to move on to your next assignment.

Setting Boundaries as a Light Worker Matters  

Some years ago, I sat across from a stern woman, while I filled out administrative paperwork at the hospital the day before surgery for my broken nose.

I noticed that the woman entering my data had the word, VACATION, clearly written across her forehead and I told her so.

Now, this is long before I knew I was a lightworker or a medium.

For most of my adult life, I’d passed on messages to people. I took this as my “intuition” combined with my direct personality. Nope. My medium skills were breaking through.

As soon as I told the admin. that she had VACATION written across her forehead, the woman broke down and confided that she’d been head nurse there for decades, and she’d suffered a heart attack six months back…and that her husband was begging her to take her retirement pension.

She explained all this in detail and kept repeating, ‘I could not leave nursing’.

I listened. She needed to be heard.

After all, I was there to do twenty minutes of paperwork, not to judge or give advice, nor did I tell her to take a vacation. I only mentioned what I saw on her forehead.

She called me an angel. I admit, that made me cry and I felt as if I was floating for a whole sixty seconds.

As we finished the paperwork, she escorted me to a hidden hospital corridor and while I waited for the elevator, she said, “Can I hug you?”

When she released me from the hug, she said, “I’m calling my husband and telling him that I’m taking my retirement.”

Helping is great and it feels good to be of service, but look at this sixty-something wonderful lady– she suffered a heart attack and still could not get out of the loop of helping. Thank goodness she listened when her spirit guides intervened that day.

Get THE INTUITIVE-PSYCHIC SKILLS CHECKLIST to find out what skills you have.

Lightworkers View Life With Unlimited Possibility

Kelly Rae Roberts, artist and lightworker extraordinaire calls it being a possibilitarian. I couldn’t agree more.

Bringing love and light into the world is what lightworkers do best…on a small or large scale, it doesn’t matter.

Living with joy doesn’t come naturally for a lot of people, but for a lightworker, it’s the foundation of how they live.

Sometimes, you have to live in the murkiness or even the dark a while before you find the light.

That’s how lightworkers find out who they are. And you will too!

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Hi. I’m Diana Keith. I’m a medium, business coach, and freelance writer.

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