The Moment of Truth: What should you do?

Nothing seems to make sense… You’re questioning everything about the world and your friends and colleagues think you’re nuts… What should you do?

We are living in unprecedented times…so questioning everything that has been the status quo…even before you were born, is quite normal.

Realize that when you question things, it can make people uncomfortable and that has nothing to do with you.

Questioning The Facts Is Called Investigative Journalism Not Conspiracy Theory

When I was growing up… Questioning the truth was considered a good thing.

It was called investigative journalism AND it still is today. We’ve got some amazing investigative journalists out there.

Some are famous.

Some are in the trenches getting the word out and you’ll never know their names.

Others are living in the midst of change, war, or with criminals, and are risking their lives to show you on video or through documents what’s really happening in our world.

We are living in a time when pure research and initiatives that are touted as “good for you” have been turned inside out because of various interests relating to criminal behavior.

There may be more that you’d like to know about abortion, stem cell use in foods, legal organ trade, feminism, child trafficking, human slavery, dual government systems, weather warfare, for profit war systems, organ trafficking, for profit domestic terrorism, healing, media disinformation, political celebrity endorsements, false flag world events, systemic medical murder, well funded dogma programs, central banking, cloning, friendly and unfriendly ETs, technology suppression, food poisoning, abolishment of farmers rights, angels, starseeds, depopulation systems, fake elections, psychic ability, big pharma,,,make them sick…make them well system, world hunger details, water tampering, poison chemtrails, the true intelligence of animals, and so much more.

How Do You Find The Truth?

I say to you… Pick one area where you want to know the truth and pay attention to your part of the world.

Start by looking at what you see on the mainstream news, independent news, in the history books, what’s happening in your own neighborhood or with your friends and family…and then ask if there is alignment with what you are seeing with your own eyes.

If the answer is no, then here is your moment of truth.

You can go on as if you never noticed or you can pay attention on another level and do some research.

I understand that not everyone has research skills but they can be taught and below I have mapped out a way for your to get started. The main thing to remember is to do your research in a devil’s advocate fashion.

We often want to prove someone wrong and that adds bias to our research. It also sets a fire under our butts.

Do your digging and your research as if you have nothing to lose and nothing to gain. In other words, be objective and consider all sides, which means cross-referencing your findings.

10 Research Tips To Help You Find Answers To Your Questions

1:Find Your Tribe: Spending time around people who “get you” makes a big difference in the level of support you’ll feel.

2: Do Your Research: Use primary sources, otherwise you’ll be chasing gossip and opinions.

3: Use Discernment: Ask questions and operate logically.

4: Use Critical Thinking: Accepting something as fact can derail your research. Start from a place of what you already know is truly fact and make sure not to let your own cognitive dissonance sway your judgement.

5: Keep Increasing Your Vibrational Frequency: The higher your vibe, the more likely you are to see things as they really are.

6: Base your conclusions on your findings: It can be easy to go with the mainstream accepted opinion but if it seems off to you, it probably is. Dig deeper.

7: Stay open to adjusting your conclusions: The deeper you’re invested in your own point of view, the more you risk not seeing reality as it is.

8: Use Brave as a search engine; they often will index less than the bigger engines so you can find a more diverse information base.

9: Consider What Your Gut is Telling You: If you feel in the pit of your stomach that something is not right or someone is lying, follow your gut. Soon, you’ll see a pattern between how you feel and if your gut instinct was right or not.

10: Don’t Make Yourself Sick Over It & Don’t Let It Consume Your Life: There’s always tomorrow and the rabbit hole is deep in many places. You don’t have to figure out everything today. Most people focus on one area and then they learn about the world they truly live in through other areas that are connected to their main area of research.

If you’re questioning everything, welcome to my world. I get it.

Most of my friends just want to live a happy life with their families and that is amazing. I want that too.

But for me…and I’m guessing for you… Finding out who-why-where-when- and how is foremost on your mind… Now more than ever.

BONUS TIP: The last tip I will give you is to stay open about what you find.

The world can be a big, beautiful place but you’ll no doubt also discover some dark truths that have been hiding in plain sight.

Don’t beat yourself up for not noticing them sooner.

A lot of things are not what they seem because they are designed that way and have been for centuries.

Some truths that you’ll come to discover may be personal and some may concern the world at large…Keep investigating until you feel you have your answer.

You’ll find what you’re looking for… Who knows… You may find a whole new way of life.

Whatever you do find, don’t let fear stop you. Consider all those people out there who already know the truth about what you’re starting to search out.

When you figure something out, even something small, you’ll be stepping into part of a tribe who is working to share more about the world we live in because you also want to make it an amazing place.

This is your moment of truth.

Go for it!

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Hi. I’m Diana Keith. I’m a medium, healer, spiritual coach.

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