Protecting Your Energy As An Empath or Highly Sensitive Person (HSP)


Protecting your energy when you’re an Empath or highly sensitive person (HSP) is one of the best things you can do to reduce your stress and live a more joyful life. If you’re an Empath or a highly sensitive person (HSP), then you already know the feeling of being drained. What you may not know is that you can learn skills to protect, renew, and refresh your energy.

Read on for solid advice from a fellow Empath and HSP on how you can protect your energy and avoid becoming drained by everyday life and during social gatherings.

First thing’s first… Did you know that if you’re an Empath / HSP, you are also highly intuitive?

That’s not a maybe. It’s for sure.

Being sensitive and having intuitive abilities (that you may not fully know about yet) are a magnet for negative energy and for giving away too much of yourself. The reason for this is that you absorb the world and if you aren’t already protecting your energy, you can get bombarded with another person’s energetic stuff.

What Do I Mean By Energetic Stuff?

By energetic stuff, I mean other people’s emotions, feelings, thoughts, and intentions.

When the energy is positive, it can leave you with a lovely floating feeling, but when it’s negative, you’ll instantly be slammed with a drained feeling or worse, you’ll think someone else’s emotions are you’re own.

Know this… You have your own emotions and you are not supposed the go around carrying the weight of the world.

Don’t even think about telling yourself that this is the way it was meant to be.

The gift of intuitive ability and especially the gift of being an Empath or HSP sometimes comes at you like a ton of bricks as a wake up call to be aware and to learn how to navigate your skills and use them to your advantage. But… that does not mean you are meant to be trampled on emotionally or spiritually.

Empaths and HSPs can easily get flooded with other people’s feelings, emotions, and even pain but it doesn’t have to be this way.

Of all those with intuitive abilities, the Empath or Highly Sensitive Person must learn to shield themselves from negative energy or too much energy coming from others.

Learning to shield and differentiate yourself from energy that is not yours can make all the difference between feeling good, sleeping well, or becoming ill and overly stressed.

3 Ways You Can Shield, Protect, and Renew Your Energy:

1: RENEW: Any water source will renew your energy and let you start fresh. Have bath or take a swim in the ocean or a pool.

2: PROTECT: Imagining a brilliant white light all around you will help protect your energy field from being impacted by negative energy such as feelings of irritation, fear, anger, and other emotions from others that do not belong to you.

3: SHIELD: If I’m really tired, I shield myself when I go to the grocery store. It’s similar to the white light, but for this one, I ask my angels and guides to accompany me as an extra layer to bounce away what I can’t handle at that moment. I also always do a shielding and a protection for my kids and I when we sleep (unless I pass out tired) but even then I make it clear that my loved ones in spirit, along with my guides and angels are always welcome in the house, but not in my room though while I’m sleeping.

How Are You Protecting Your Energy If You’re an Empath or HSP?

If you need help learning how to navigate your life as an Empath, HSP, or intuitive, join my Facebook group, The Intuitive Life, or you can find out more about working with me here.

Start by putting these few tips in place and you’ll see a difference right away.

These tips are also life savers when you need to spend time in a group of people who are much more extroverted than you, like your family or workplace.

It can make all the difference.

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Hi. I’m Diana Keith. I’m a medium, business coach, and freelance writer.

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