Learn To Use Your Psychic Skills

Intuitive Practice Buddy System

You suspect that you’ve got intuitive-psychic skills and you want to sharpen them but there’s no university or school you’ve found that teaches this. You’ve read books, attended workshops, but you still have questions about your skills.

Where Can You Identify And Practice Your Intuitive-Psychic Skills?

Start Here: The Intuitive-Psychic Checklist will help you identify and rank your skills.

Step Two: Join The Intuitive Life Community, where you can practice your skills with other members.

Step Three: Go to the post in the group marked #intuitivebuddysystem and sign up to practice your skills with other members.

Steps one through three are free because I feel that it’s important for you to learn how to use your intuitive-psychic skills.

Does Everyone Have Intuitive-Psychic Skills?


But most people unknowingly block them, usually with fear or denial that they’re imagining things.

Let’s face it, our society is fear-based when it comes to intuitive or psychic skills.

For example, what you see portrayed in cinema is highly dramatic because that’s what sells tickets but intuitive-psychic reality is far more subtle and part of daily life.

When your intuition or psychic skills are operating, you’re usually not trying to make anything happen so you don’t always notice your own skills.

And, when you do start to notice, it’s easy to chalk it up to coincidence and move on with your day.

There are no coincidences in the intuitive world, so the next time you notice your skills, take a moment and discern what is really happening.

Everyone Has Different Intuitive-Psychic Skills

Some people can talk to animals and feel their feelings. Others can heal people. And, HSPs can feel the emotions of others. Twenty percent of the population are highly sensitive people (HSPs).

HSPs have different physical traits related to their brain and central nervous system. This was discovered through the work of Dr. Elaine Arron.

You’ll learn more about all the possible skills when you assess your own skills with The Intuitive-Psychic Skills Checklist.

Even though I’m familiar with a lot of my skills, I’m discovering new ones all the time. And so will you.

Practicing your intuitive-psychic skills will speed things up for you and help you move past any fears you have.

How To Use The Intuitive Buddy System

Practicing your intuitive-psychic skills on your own is like playing basketball by yourself. You can only get so far.

After you join The Intuitive Life Facebook group and connect with someone who wants to practice, see below for a set of best practices to help you.

Tips For Practicing Your Intuitive-Psychic Skills

  • Get a buddy to practice with. You don’t have to have the same skills.
  • Ask for feedback from your practice partner.
  • Meditate or relax before your practice session. Stress can block your skills.
  • Let your skills flow instead of trying to force something.
  • Don’t analyze yourself or your buddy during practice. Give feedback a day or so later.
  • Write down your feedback following your practice session to share at a later time.

What’s The Difference Between Intuitive and Psychic Skills?

There are none. I use the terms interchangeably because different groups of people use different terms.

From my experience, those who feel a bit of fear or think that these types of skills are woo woo but deep in their subconscious they know better, will call these skills intuitive gifts.

Whereas others who are comfortable and lack fear with exploring their skills will say, psychic abilities.

I use both because both of these groups are my clients. Some are beginning their journey and others are ready to apply their skills in their lives.

If you know someone who will benefit from this info, share this article.

See you in the group for skill practice.


Start Using Your Psychic Skills… Everyone Has Them

Find out which psychic skills you have so you can develop your strengths, heal trauma and empower yourself.

Hi. I’m Diana Keith. I’m a medium, business coach, and freelance writer.

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