You want to start fresh and transition to becoming your own boss.

Each action you take paves a road that leads you on a journey toward your new life.

Your life is made up of people, places, and situations that are all interchangeable.

If you can see yourself living your dream, then it’s time to move from dreaming to doing.


Answer the four questions below: ( I’m going to bet that your answers will blow your mind…)

  • Write your responses. Documentation make things real.
  • This is about your life and what you really desire, not what anyone else wants.
  • Be honest with your responses. If you lie to yourself, it will take longer to get solid with your business because you’ll be chasing something you don’t really want.

Question 1:

Let’s look ahead: You’ve completed your journey.

What does your new life look like as your own boss?

Some support tips for helping your find your answers:

  • If you know how you’re going to respond right now, don’t wait. Get any piece of paper and get it down.
  • If it’s tough to use your imagination, refer to your five senses as prompts. Close your eyes and relax. What do you see, hear, feel, smell, or taste, when you think of your new life as your own boss?
  • Respond without limitations regarding resources. Imagine that you most certainly have the support, skills, and finances required to make it happen. When we dream of a new life, it’s best to begin without obstacles… Removing obstacles happens during the strategy portion of building your online coaching business.

Question 2:

Imagine how you feel in your new life.

What does it FEEL like?

Be open and honest. Answer from your heart and soul.

Question 3:

(A) What will your current life look like if nothing changes?

(B) How does that make you FEEL and WHY?

If you spend some careful thought on this, you’ll quickly discover that knowing what you don’t want can be a great place to start.

Question 4:

WHY do you want the life that you described in question number one above?

Remember: Be honest with yourself when answering.

Knowing why you want something is as important as the how, what, where, and when of making it happen… Because knowing why is the fuel that keeps you moving forward.

To pave the way for you, I’ll go first:

Here are my answers: Why I wanted to become my own boss:

QUESTION 1: When you look into you imagination, how does your life as your own boss feel?

When I looked into my imagination and saw my life as an online intuition and life transition coach, I saw two things.

First, I saw myself able to work when and where I wanted to. I also saw myself working with those who want to live a life they love.

And, I saw myself homeschooling my twin boys and the joy that teaching them would bring me.

QUESTION 2: How will your new life feel?

When I considered how my new life as an online coach would feel…This is what came to me: I feel freer than I’ve ever felt and I feel like there’s a great need to for what I have to teach and how I’ll deliver it.

Even if there are thousands of online coaches in the world, there is only one me. I am unique and my point of view is unlike any one else’s on the planet.

I feel that my services and programs will be different because I am an introvert, a world traveler, an industrial-organizational psychologist, a mom of twins, an empath, an intuitive soul, a writer, a mentor, a science geek, a movie lover, and an orphan.

My experiences and expertise will resonate with those who I can help. My message will not be for those who don’t get me…and that’s okay. I’m not for everyone and everyone is not for me. I feel a fullness of love for my future clients and I feel proud and grateful for what they will share with the world. I feel happily grounded and in exactly the right place to balance what my soul wants and needs.

QUESTION 3: What will happen if nothing changes?

I thought about what would happen if I did not become a coach and nothing in my life changed.

Here are my thoughts: I will remain stagnant. I will feel stuck in a life where I will suffocate in a brown paper bag life of following a false way of living my life.

I will not have the level of power in my life that I need. I will suffer and feel desperate in the shadow of not living or working to my full capacity.

QUESTION 4: Why do you want to be your own boss?

When I gave consideration to why I really wanted to be my own boss… this is what I said to myself. There’s no other choice. You are a teacher. You are a mentor. Teach what you know and your life will bloom!


If you do nothing else this week for building your business…take ten minutes and answer the questions above.

You need to know your why because when you know why you’re doing something…You have all the fuel you need to keep going.

Get out a piece of paper…yes paper…I want you to post the answers on your bedroom wall…take a photo…and email it to me when you’ve finished. I will be your accountability on this.

Do this one thing…it will move you to the next thing…and then the next.

What’s next for you?

Start Using Your Psychic Skills… Everyone Has Them

Find out which psychic skills you have so you can develop your strengths, heal trauma and empower yourself.

Hi. I’m Diana Keith. I’m a medium, business coach, and freelance writer.

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