How To Hear Your Spirit Guides in a Busy World

Girl with headphones in a pink background

Communicating with your spirit guides can be tricky when you’re busy. When your guides want to talk to you, they may do so when you are working, driving, cleaning the tub, or even on a roller coaster.

Any time is good for them.

You don’t need to be in the present moment to have your guides get in touch with you.

Chances are that you’ll be going about your daily life when they do.

How Can You Hear Your Spirit Guides While You’re Busy?


Think of it this way.

If you have the water running, the microwave going, and the music on while you’re in the kitchen cooking dinner and your kid or spouse yells something from the other room…you faintly hear someone calling you, but you don’t know exactly what they’re saying.

It’s the same when your spirit guide tries to give you a message, although you may not hear them as a sound.

Instead, you’ll get a smell, the chills, or a tingle down your spine. Or, you can also get a ringing in your ear minus pain or water in the ear.

So, the next time you feel like someone has called your name but no one is home, stop what you’re doing and listen with all five senses and your intuitive radar switched on.

Why It’s Important to Hear Your Spirit Guides

They are here to help you!

Being in touch with your spirit guides on a regular basis feels deeply nurturing and brings many healing effects. Even one message can feel like a miracle for your life trajectory.

Once you develop your own intuitive skills, you can also learn to communicate with your spirit guides on a regular basis.

GET THE INTUITIVE-PSYCHIC SKILLS CHECKLIST to find out which skills you have and need to develop.

Five Ways Your Spirit Guides Can Help You

1: Loved ones reach out to share a message of love with you.

2: Your spirit guide’s message gives you peace of mind.

3: You receive a message that helps you make an important decision and changes your life.

4: You recognize them as a dear friend and renew a friendship you thought you had lost when they passed.

5: You release fears or trauma based on their message.

These are all common benefits of being in touch with your guides, but there are so many more.

Peace of mind is the biggest recurring theme in a lot of the messages that I receive from my client’s spirit guides.

For instance, the feedback that I’ve received is that my clients now feel like they’re not alone and that they have a group of spirits who are always watching out for them.

At first, this kind of recognition feels strange, then it becomes like you’re actually living in a bubble where miracles happen everyday, but eventually you’ll get used to it and start talking to your guides in the bathtub like I do.

TIP: Water brings on relaxation and renewal, making this a great moment to listen for your guides.

Why Not Develop Your Intuitive Radar and Get Your Own Messages From Spirit?

How wonderful would it be to get objective, non-biased guidance on life decisions from someone who’s been there and who loves you?

As one who’s developed her intuitive and channeling skills, I can tell you, it’s something that feels like all the world is on your side during those moments when you connect and understand.

Although I work with you in channeling messages from your guides and loved ones, I feel like the way of the world going forward is to also teach you how to get your own messages.

GET THE INTUITIVE-PSYCHIC SKILLS CHECKLIST to find out which skills you have.

I know that if you’ve had a lot of trauma or your mind is always spinning with thoughts, it can be hard to find the stillness needed to really hear what is being communicated. But once you’ve gotten a few messages from a medium or on your own and they start to resonate, you’ll begin to understand that you really do have a dream team looking out for you.

Why not develop your own intuition at least to the point where you’re able to get your own messages anytime – anywhere to help guide you in your life?  

The fact that we all have built in help in the form of angels or spirit guides is not a secret.

People all over the world pray and meditate to align with other dimensions for inner peace and to ask for help every day.

Talking with your guides is no different.

You can learn to get your own messages. It doesn’t have to be a one time thing with a medium.

It simply requires intent, belief, and regular practice.

Start Using Your Psychic Skills… Everyone Has Them

Find out which psychic skills you have so you can develop your strengths, heal trauma and empower yourself.

Hi. I’m Diana Keith. I’m a medium, business coach, and freelance writer.

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