Premonitions Don’t Have To Be A Horror Show

Pink Water Lilly

You want to get rid of premonitions.

You get premonitions, which means you’re precognitive and it’s been a lot to deal with.

I have one question before you dump your ability.

Have you spent time developing it?

You: “Okay… You try dealing with seeing people you love who are about to have an accident, emergency, or worse.”

We can fix that.

How To Be Objective With Your Psychic Ability

I’m not suggesting that you accept your psychic ability of precognition outright. I’m asking you to consider it from another point of view, an objective one.

Keep in mind, there’s a balance in seeing the good and the alarming stuff.

Whether you’ve noticed it or not, your awareness of beautiful synchronicities and avoiding dangerous situations are a couple of ways your precognition works for you.

My suggestion to develop your ability has more to do with setting aside your fear and dread, and looking at your ability from the outside in.

Imagine your best friend is having premonitions. What do you tell her?

You’d probably ask a few questions… Questions that you might not have asked yourself yet.

Next, you’d listen and let her feel as if she were heard.

Why not do the same thing for yourself? Ask yourself some questions about what you’re dealing with.

Better yet… Ask your higher self.

If you can’t access your higher self, get a notebook and answer the questions. Your higher self will definitely chime in.

A few questions to ask about your precognition:

  • What are the amazing parts of your ability?
  • What spectacular things have you experienced because of your ability?
  • Does timing, a certain person…or any pattern play a role with knowing that something bad is going to happen?
  • Where can you find support and be more comfortable with it?
  • What can you do so that you don’t feel scared?

What Can You Do To Get Rid of Precognitive Ability?

Write it down on a note where your guides can see it and ask for it to be suppressed or diminished, but in doing so, you’ll also have less of the amazing parts of your ability too.

Ask your guides out loud to take it away or mask it for a time period if now is not the time for you to learn and sharpen this skill.

What If You Can’t Get Your Premonitions To Go Away?

If it doesn’t work after a few tries, then it’s most likely been written into your soul contract or you’ll be needing it for some other reason sooner or later.

In this case, it’s a good idea to learn more about how to use it, or you may keep getting hammered with it until you do.

Make Precognition Work For You & Diffuse What You’re Witnessing

Step One: Have a conversation with God / source, the angels, or your guides that goes something like this:

“Okay… I can see the future…but seeing the bad stuff that’s going to happen to the people I love is killing me. I need the strength to handle this and I need more information. I need you to know that I am accepting this as a big part of my life and with my acceptance of it, I’m asking that you tweak my gift so that I’m seeing enough to make a difference, so that I can let people know in advance. If you can’t do this…take it away.”

The above conversation is so that you can receive enough information to help the person or animal. It’s to give you more control and if that’s what you need to deal with this, ask for it.

You: “But everyone will think I’m crazy. I can’t go around warning people not to do this or that.”

Step Two: By stepping into the power of your gift of precognition or any gift where you may be seen as weird, strange, or different by those who simply don’t yet understand, you’ll be building a vibration of love and light around you where their judgement doesn’t matter.

Just like any talent you’re born with, this is no different. You don’t have to use this ability unless you want to.

Finding Your Tribe

It doesn’t matter what others think. Those in your precognition tribe and others in the larger intuitive-psychic community are your buffer.

Seek them out.

I have a group on Facebook called The Intuitive Life. You can find out more here.

Talking about your ability will help you a lot. And once you spend time with others who have abilities, you’ll soon find out you have more than one.

Related: Get The Intuitive-Psychic Skills Checklist to find out which abilities you have.

Sharing your experiences with others can also help you with your ability. It’s like developing any skill. It takes practice and familiarity to get comfortable with it.

I started telling people in line at the market that I’m an empath and about half of the people I shared it with said, “Me too.” That number is higher than the random occurrence because I’m drawn to the energy of other empaths, and other sensitives out in the world.

Finding those who support and understand your experiences with precognition will make all the difference.

Until then, please know that you are amazing and you’re not alone by any means.

Start Using Your Psychic Skills… Everyone Has Them

Find out which psychic skills you have so you can develop your strengths, heal trauma and empower yourself.

Hi. I’m Diana Keith. I’m a medium, business coach, and freelance writer.

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